Street Cats of Split is a dedicated association, passionately working to safeguard and uplift the lives of the urban felines in Split, Croatia.
Adopt a Split street cat and give it a forever home. Turn a tale of survival into one of love.
Your generous donations make a world of difference. Help us keep Split's cats safe and healthy.
Explore our unique apparel collection. Each purchase directly supports Split's street cats and our mission.
Within the captivating alleys of Split, numerous felines navigate life, seeking more than just sustenance—they seek affection and belonging. At “Street Cats of Split”, our mission is deeply rooted in our commitment to transform their tales of struggle into narratives of love, care, and hope.
Ready to make a difference? Dive into our Adoption page to find a cat longing for a home, or support our cause with a donation. Every gesture, big or small, paves the way for a brighter future.
In the heart of Split’s bustling streets, “Street Cats of Split” emerged as more than just an association. We are a community of cat enthusiasts, bound together by our undying commitment to offer Split’s street cats a life of affection, safety, and well-being. Through relentless dedication, we stand vigilant for these feline spirits, ensuring each one is not only noticed but also loved and valued.
A future where every corner of Split resonates with tales of cats surrounded by love, safety, and community.
To transform the lives of Split's street cats, providing them not just shelter, but forever homes filled with love.
Every whisker, every purr, every cat has a story waiting to be transformed. By adopting or donating, you become an integral part of this journey toward brighter futures.